In the photon-atom interaction, one of the most interesting phenomena can be collapse-revival effect in population inversion of atomic levels. Since a single-photon-transition Jaynes–Cummings model can be generalized to a multiphoton-transition Jaynes–Cummings model, of which the Hamiltonian can exhibit a supersymmetric Lie algebra structure, in this paper, quantum collapse and revival in atomic population inversion, which is a collaborative effect of a variety of quantum Rabi oscillations with various quantum Rabi frequencies, is studied for the supersymmetric multiphoton-transition Jaynes–Cummings model. In the literature, it has been pointed out that quantum collapse and revival might find an application in qubit design. We expect that a supersymmetric two-level system might serve as such a kind of qubits. Compared with ordinary two-level qubits, more information could be stored in the basis vectors of supersymmetric qubits, and this could increase the degrees of freedom of tensor product (multi-component extension) of basis vectors of this multiphoton-atom interacting system. For this reason, some characteristics of the collapse-revival effect driven by ordinary coherent states and Yurke–Stoler coherent states will be addressed in this paper. The influence of various characteristic parameters of this supersymmetric Jaynes–Cummings model and the quantized optical fields on the quantum collapse and revival in the population inversion will be indicated in some numerical illustrative examples.