In this paper, we present to the embedded research community an Embedded Platform as a Service facility named SLePaaS that allows researchers remote access to experimental hardware and a collection of online tools that would facilitate research on thermal management of embedded systems. SLePaaS serves a dual purpose -provides access to actual hardware for experiments on one hand and reduces experimental cost and time on the other. With this facility, researchers neither have to rely on simulation models nor purchase or customize any experimental platform for a specific problem. In addition, the platform provides tool support, specifically for researchers working in problems related to thermal management. Presently, three tools are provided by the SLePaaS platform. The first tool helps users obtain performance, power and thermal profile of applications running on different hardware platforms. The second is a thermal value predictor tool that aids task schedulers in allocating tasks to processors based on the thermal profile of applications. The third tool is a platform predictor that helps users to decide the best platform to run an OpenCL application given a target optimization objective. All the tools have been validated for their performance and accuracy against standard benchmark applications. A prototype implementation of SLePaaS along with the three tools is available for use.