While the next generation of IoT systems need to perform distributed processing and coordinated behaviour across IoT, Edge and Cloud infrastructures, their development and operation are still challenging. A major challenge is the high heterogeneity of their infrastructure, which broadens the surface for security attacks and increases the complexity of maintaining and evolving such complex systems. In this paper, we present our approach for Generation and Deployment of Smart IoT Systems (GeneSIS) to tame this complexity. GeneSIS leverages model-driven engineering to support the DevSecOps of Smart IoT Systems (SIS). More precisely, GeneSIS includes: (i) a domain specific modelling language to specify the deployment of SIS over IoT, Edge and Cloud infrastructure with the necessary concepts for security and privacy; and (ii) a models@run.time engine to enact the orchestration, deployment, and adaptation of these SIS. The results from our smart building case study have shown that GeneSIS can support security by design from the development (via deployment) to the operation of IoT systems and back again in a DevSecOps loop. In other words, GeneSIS enables IoT systems to keep up security and adapt to evolving conditions and threats while maintaining their trustworthiness.