In a heterogeneous wireless access medium, multihoming video transmission can improve the achieved video quality. However, due to the mobile terminal (MT) battery energy limitation, an energy management strategy is required in order to ensure a sustainable video transmission over different radio interfaces for the entire call duration. Towards this end, we aim to provide a statistical guarantee for the video quality that can be achieved in a multi-homing scenario given the MT available energy at the beginning of the call, the available bandwidth and time varying channel conditions at different radio interfaces, the call duration, and the video packet characteristics in terms of distortion impact, delay deadlines, and packet encoding statistics. Hence, the MT can support at least a target video quality lower bound for the entire call duration with a preset success probability. Numerical results are presented to investigate different performance trade-offs.Index Terms-Multi-homing video transmission, video packet scheduling, statistical performance guarantees, heterogeneous wireless access medium, precedence-constrained multiple knapsack problem (PC-MKP).