A techno-economic assessment has been carried out to evaluate the economic feasibility of energy self-consumption from a combination of photovoltaics and lead-acid batteries (PV-BAT). The Total annual economic cost (TAEC) and the cost per unit of energy were first calculated, from PV-BAT data collected over a 12 month period and then from energy system model data for the same period. A comparison of the actual renewable energy yield to optimal model output revealed that energy was restrained partially due to limited storage resources. The cost per kilowatt-hour for the two examined scenarios ranged from 0.55 to 0.62 €/kWh and from 0.42 to 0.46 €/kWh, respectively, showing room for further cost reductions. Despite currently lower energy purchasing costs from electricity providers, these findings constitute a significant price indication of the kilowatt-hour produced by PV-BAT, showing the need for further investigation into battery sizing can be optimized and battery cost can be reduced.