In this article we study, in the context of complex representations of symmetric groups, some aspects of the Heisenberg product, introduced by Marcelo Aguiar, Walter Ferrer Santos, and Walter Moreira in 2017. When applied to irreducible representations, this product gives rise to the Aguiar coefficients. We prove that these coefficients are in fact also branching coefficients for representations of connected complex reductive groups. This allows to use geometric methods already developped in a previous article, notably based on notions from Geometric Invariant Theory, and to obtain some stability results on Aguiar coefficients, generalising some of the results concerning them given 1 Every representation considered throughout the article will be a complex vector space.One interesting thing to notice about this product is that, when k = l, V ♯W is a direct sum of representations of S k , S k+1 , . . . , S 2k , and the term in this direct sum which is a representation of S k corresponds simply to the tensor product V ⊗ W seen as a S k -module (with S k acting diagonally). This tensor product of representations of S k is sometimes referred to as the "Kronecker product", since it gives rise to the Kronecker coefficients when applied to irreducible S k -modules. As a consequence the Heisenberg product extends -in a certain way -this so-called Kronecker product.An important point that we use concerning the representation theory of the symmetric groups is that the irreducible complex representations of a group S k are known: they are in bijection with the partitions of the integer k and one can moreover construct them. If λ is a partition of k (denoted λ ⊢ k), i.e. a finite non-increasing sequence (λ 1 ≥ λ 2 ≥ · · · ≥ λ n > 0) of positive integers (called parts) whose sum (sometimes called size of the partition, and denoted by |λ|) is k, there is an explicite construction -several, in fact -giving a representation of S k over the field C of complex numbers, which happens to be irreducible. We denote this S k -module by M λ . We do not detail the construction of M λ here: two examples of such can for instance be found in [LB09, Chapter 4].Considering that every complex representation of a symmetric group decomposes as a direct sum of irreducible ones, it is natural to seek to understand the Heisenberg product of two of the latter. If λ and µ are respectively partitions of k and l, the Heisenberg product M λ ♯M µ is a direct sum of S i -modules for i ∈ {max(k, l), . . . , k + l}, and then every term in this sum decomposes as a direct sum of irreducible S i -modules:The multiplicities a ν λ,µ in these decompositions are non-negative integers which are called the Aguiar coefficients. They were introduced in [Yin17] by Li Ying, who also proved interesting stability results concerning them. We recall these results in Section 2.2.The fact is that Li Ying's stability results look very much like similar results already proven concerning Kronecker coefficients. Let us recall that these particular coefficients are the multipliciti...