We study the convergence properties of Riemannian gradient method for solving the consensus problem (for an undirected connected graph) over the Stiefel manifold. The Stiefel manifold is a nonconvex set and the standard notion of averaging in the Euclidean space does not work for this problem.We propose Distributed Riemannian Consensus on Stiefel Manifold (DRCS) and prove that it enjoys a local linear convergence rate to global consensus. More importantly, this local rate asymptotically scales with the second largest singular value of the communication matrix, which is on par with the well-known rate in the Euclidean space. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work showing the equality of the two rates. The main technical challenges include (i) developing a Riemannian restricted secant inequality for convergence analysis, and (ii) to identify the conditions (e.g., suitable step-size and initialization) under which the algorithm always stays in the local region. I. INTRODUCTION Consensus and coordination has been a major topic of interest in the control community for the last three decades. The consensus problem in the Euclidean space is well-studied, but perhaps less well-known is consensus on the Stiefel manifold St(d, r) := {x ∈ R d×r : x ⊤ x = I r }, which is a non-convex set. This problem has recently attracted significant attention [1]-[3] due to its applications to synchronization in planetary scale sensor networks [4], modeling of collective motion in flocks [5], synchronization of quantum bits [6], and the Kuramoto models [2], [7].We refer the reader to [1], [2] for more applications of this framework.