Abstract. We study additive representability of orders on multisets (of size k drawn from a set of size n) which satisfy the condition of Independence of Equal Submultisets (IES) introduced by Slinko (2002, 2007). Here we take a geometric view of those orders, and relate them to certain combinatorial objects which we call discrete cones. Following Fishburn (1996) and Conder and Slinko (2004), we define functions f (n, k) and g(n, k) which measure the maximal possible deviation of an arbitrary order satisfying the IES and an arbitrary almost representable order satisfying the IES, respectively, from a representable order. We prove that g(n, k) = n − 1 whenever n ≥ 3 and (n, k) = (5, 2). In the exceptional case, g(5, 2) = 3. We also prove that g(n, k) ≤ f (n, k) ≤ n and establish that for small n and k the functions g(n, k) and f (n, k) coincide.