“…For instance, introducing modified Ereshmann connections (nonholonomic connection) [3], using a symplectic distribution on the constraint submanifold [1,35] and distinguishing the different casuistic depending on the 'position' of the Lie group of symmetries acting on the system and the nonholonomic distribution or in a Poisson context [22] (see [6] and references therein). Moreover, using jet bundle techniques, many authors studied the geometry of nonholonomic systems admitting an extension to explicitly time-dependent nonholonomic systems [4,14,16,30,33,34] and ready for extension to nonholonomic field theories [37]. Today we find an scenario with a very rich theory but with an important lack: a general framework unifying the different casuistic (unreduced and reduced equations, systems subjected to linear or affine constraints, time-dependent or time-independent systems...).…”