BACKGROUND: Hemophilia A (HA) is associated with mutations in the F8 gene that expresses factor VIII (FVIII). Unexpectedly, HA also manifests in a small subset of individuals with no mutations (exonic or intronic) in their F8 gene. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) cause translational interference, affecting protein quality and stoichiometry. Here, by analyzing miRNAs of two patients from this subset, we evaluated miRNA-based FVIII suppression as a testable hypothesis to explain FVIII deficiency in patients with HA with no F8 gene mutations.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS:To test the hypothesis, miRNA sequencing from two patients with mild and moderate HA with no mutations in their F8 gene, followed by experimental verification, was used to identify a group of upregulated miRNAs in patients with HA compared to normal controls; with binding sites in the 3 0 untranslated region (UTR) of F8 messenger RNA (mRNA), a prerequisite for miRNA-based gene regulation. From this pool, miR-374b-5p and miR-30c-5p, known to be expressed in human liver, where FVIII is expressed, were subjected to extensive characterization.
RESULTS:In two cell lines that constitutively express FVIII, we demonstrated that overexpression of miR-374b or miR-30c decreased FVIII expression, while an miR-30c inhibitor partially restored FVIII expression.CONCLUSION: These data support a role for microRNAs in fine-tuning F8 gene regulation. Based on our findings, our current model suggests that in HA cases where the F8 gene is normal and is predicted to express normal levels of FVIII, F8 mRNA 3 0 UTR targeting miRNAs may be responsible for a FVIIIdeficiency phenotype clinically manifesting as HA. ABBREVIATIONS: AT = antithrombin; cDNA = complementary DNA; DMEM = Dulbecco's Modified Essential Medium; eGFP = enhanced green fluorescent protein; FBS = fetal bovine serum; FV = factor V; FVII = factor VII; FVIII = factor VIII; GAPDH = glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; HA = hemophilia A; HUVEC = human umbilical vein endothelial cells; LCL = lymphoblastoid cell line; MEM = Minimum Essential Medium; miRNAs = MicroRNAs; MS1 = Mile Seven 1; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; UTR = untranslated region; VWF = von Willebrand factor.