Order of Authors Secondary Information:The role of spinal dorsal horn propriospinal connections in nociceptive processing is not yet established. Recently described, rostrocaudally oriented axon collaterals of lamina I projection and local-circuit neurons (PNs and LCNs) running in the dorsolateral funiculus (DLF) may serve as the anatomical substrate for intersegmental processing. Putative targets of these axons include lateral dendrites of superficial dorsal horn neurons, including PNs, and also neurons in the lateral spinal nucleus (LSN) that are thought to be important integrator units receiving, among others, visceral sensory information. Here we used an intact spinal cord preparation to study intersegmental connections within the lateral part of the superficial dorsal horn. We detected brief monosynaptic and prolonged polysynaptic excitation of lamina I and LSN neurons when stimulating individual dorsal horn neurons located caudally, even in neighbouring spinal cord segments. These connections, however, were infrequent. We also revealed that some projection neurons outside the dorsal grey matter and in the LSN have distinct, previously undescribed course of their projection axon. Our findings indicate that axon collaterals of lamina I PNs and LCNs in the DLF rarely form functional connections with other lamina I and LSN neurons and that the majority of their targets are on other elements of the dorsal horn. The unique axon trajectories of neurons in the dorsolateral aspect of the spinal cord, including the LSN do not fit our present understanding of midline axon guidance and suggest that their function and development differ from the neurons inside lamina I. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding the connectivity matrix of the superficial dorsal horn in order to decipher spinal sensory information processing.
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Answers to Reviewer 1First of all, the authors would like to thank Reviewer 1 for his constructive comments and suggestions that helped us improving the manuscript. Below we give detailed answers to all major and minor concerns raised.
Major issues 1)We completely agree with the reviewer that the statistical analysis would have helped to make our conclusions on morphometric parameters stronger. The reason why we decided to talk about the tendencies only without statistical tests was the low number of the reconstructed neurons in the groups. However, since we observed and wanted to demonstrate the difference between neurons within and outside lamina I (in the adjacent lateral white matter), in this revised version we pooled projection neurons (PNs) and localcircuit neurons (LCNs) from our previous reports to form a group of cells in lamina I called "L-I" whereas neurons lateral to the edge of the dorsal horn and in the LSN are now referred to as "OUT/LSN". Statistical analyses were performed between these two groups and showed significant differences in the morphometric parameters investigated, with the...