In practical applications, real-world challenges ofteninvolve the integration of multiple renewable energy sources,including solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal, and energystorage solutions like batteries. The primary objective ofthese integrated systems is to optimize energy production,enhance system reliability, and simultaneously minimize costssuch as those associated with fossil fuels and greenhouse gasemissions. Therefore, it is crucial to model these complexproblems as all objectives are covered. In this paper, wepropose multi-objective and multi-level mathematical modelsfor Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRESs). These modelsallow us to simultaneously address various objectives andlevels of decision-making in the context of renewable energyintegration. Then, to effectively tackle these complex models,the paper introduces two efficient hybrid algorithms for bothmulti-level and multi-objective models. First algorithm is acombined smoothing approach to address multi-level problem.The algorithm uses Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions,some mathematical principles and proofs, and a heuristicfunction to smooth the multi-level model. Finally, the algorithmemploys Taylor approximation to further refine the smoothedproblem. The second algorithm, focuses on multi-objective model,which involves two phases: first, a heuristic algorithm simplifiesobjective functions through interpolation; second, the populationis enhanced using the Laying Chicken Algorithm (LCA); and aneural network refines the best LCA generation to identify thePareto front in multi-objective problems.