ABSTRACrThe specific phosphatase, sucrose phosphate phosphohydrolase (sucrose phosphatase, EC 3.13.24) was present in vacuole preparations from storage tissue of red beet (Reta vulgans L.), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cultivar Kawemono), and immature sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid, cultivar NCO 310). In red beet vacuole preparations the specific activity of sucrose phosphatase, using the naturally occurring vacuole marker, betanin, as reference, was higher than the specific activity of cytoplasmic markers, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, suggesting that sucrose phosphatase is associated with the vacuoles. High speed centrifugation of lysed vacuoles did not result in precipitation of the enzyme indicating that the enzyme is not tightly bound to the tonoplast. Sucrose phosphatase was more sensitive to inhibition by sodium vanadate and less sensitive to ammonium molybdate than was the nonspecific phosphatase which was also present in the extracts. Sucrose phosphatase might be part of the group translocator proposed recently to operate in the tonoplast of sugarcane and red beet.Sucrose phosphatase is the last enzyme in the pathway of sucrose synthesis in plants. It have been discussed previously (8, 16).The present paper describes the presence and some properties of sucrose phosphatase from three commercially important plants; red beet, sugar beet and sugarcane. Studies on the intracellular location of the enzyme by isolation of vacuoles, and on inhibition of the enzyme by ammonium molybdate and sodium vanadate also are described.MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant Material. Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid, cv NCO 310) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris cv L. Kawemono) plants were grown in a glasshouse (average temperature 25°C, natural light) in a coarse sand, peat mixture (1:1) fertilized with slow release fertilizer beads. Immature internode tissue (readily sliced by razor blade) was excised from 6 to 12 month old sugarcane plants. Sugar beet roots were harvested from 5 to 7 month old sugar beet plants. Commercial red beet (B. vulgaris L.) was purchased from the market.Vacuole Preparations. Sugarcane. Immature sugarcane stems (90 g) were sliced and chopped with razor blades in 250 ml of medium containing 0.7 M betaine, 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8), 10 mm EDTA, 10 mM cysteine-HCl, 5 mM Na-diethyldithiocarbamate, and 1 mm DTT at 4°C. The filtrate from two passes through Miracloth was centrifuged at 35g (average) for 10 min in 100 ml tubes in a swing-out rotor. The supernatants were aspirated, leaving about 10 ml per tube. The precipitates were resuspended, combined and, recentrifuged at 35g for 10 min. The supernatant was pipetted off leaving 0.5 ml to which was added 2 ml of washing medium containing 0.7 M betaine, 50 mm Tris-HCl (pH 7), 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, and 10 mM MgCl2. After centrifugationi in a smaller tube at 35g for 10 min, all but 0.1 ml was pipetted off and the pellet was washed with 2 ml washing medium and centrifuged. The final precipitate was suspended in 2 ml washing ...