Abstract-Edge detection remains an active problem in the image processing community, because of the high complexity of natural images. In the last decade, Desolneux et al. proposed a novel detection approach, parameter free, based on the Helmhotz principle. Applied to the edge detection field, this means that observing a true edge in random and independent conditions is very unlikely, and then considered as meaningful. However, overdetection may occur, partly due to the use of a single pixelwise feature. In this paper, we propose to introduce higher level information in the a contrario framework, by computing several features along a set of connected pixels (an edgelet). Among the features, we introduce a shape prior, learned on a database. We propose to estimate online the a contrario distributions of the two other features, namely the gradient and the texture, by a Monte-Carlo simulation approach. Experiments show that our method improves the original one, by decreasing the number of non relevant edges while preserving the true ones.