Background Canadian physicians are faced with an increasing frequency of drug shortages. We hypothesized that drug shortages have a clinical impact on anesthesia care in Canada. Methods We conducted a self-administered survey of anesthesiologists in Canada using the membership list of the Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society. For survey development, we identified key domains, including types of drug shortages, impact on the ability of anesthesia practitioners to provide general anesthesia care, and impact on patient outcomes. We undertook assessments of face validity, clinical sensibility, and content validity. Respondents were surveyed from January-April 2012. Results Completed valid questionnaires were submitted by 1,187 respondents (61.4%), and 779 (65.7%) of respondents described a shortage of one or more anesthesia or critical care drugs. Changes in anesthesia practice resulting from drug shortages were common; 586 (49%) respondents thought they had given an inferior anesthetic, and 361 (30%) reported administering medications with which they were unfamiliar. Respondents also reported that drug shortages were, at times, responsible for changes in the conduct of patient care, with 28 (2.4%) noting cancellation or postponement of surgery and 92 (7.8%) witnessing a drug error. One hundred sixty-five (13.9%) respondents regarded drug shortages as having prolonged recovery from anesthesia, and 124 (10.5%) viewed drug shortages as resulting in an increased number of postoperative complications, such as postoperative nausea and vomiting. Interpretation Drug shortages are common in anesthetic practice in Canada. This state of affairs may have a negative effect on how anesthesiologists practice anesthesia and may be associated with adverse patient outcomes.
123Can J Anesth/J Can Anesth (2013) 60:539-551 DOI 10.1007/s12630-013-9920-z Résumé Contexte Les me´decins canadiens font de plus en plus souvent face a`des pe´nuries de me´dicaments. Nous avons e´mis l'hypothe`se que les pe´nuries de me´dicaments avaient un impact sur les soins en anesthe´sie au Canada. Méthode Nous avons re´alise´un sondage auto-administreá upre`s des anesthe´siologistes au Canada en nous fondant sur la liste des membres de la Socie´te´canadienne des anesthe´siologistes. Lors de la mise au point du sondage, nous avons de´termine´des domaines cle´s, notamment les types de pe´nuries de me´dicaments, l'impact sur la capacite´des fournisseurs d'anesthe´sie a`offrir des soins d'anesthe´sie ge´ne´rale, et l'impact sur les devenirs des patients. Nous avons e´value´la validite´apparente, la sensibilite´clinique, et la validited u contenu. Les re´pondants ont reçu le sondage entre janvier et avril 2012. Résultats Au total, 1187 (61,4 %) re´pondants ont comple´ted es questionnaires de façon valable, et 779 (65,7 %) de ces re´pondants ont de´crit une pe´nurie d'un me´dicament ou plus utilise´en anesthe´sie ou en soins critiques. Les changements dans la pratique de l'anesthe´sie dus a`des pe´nuries de me´dicaments e´taient courants; 586 (49 %) re´...