The Door-in-the-Face (DITF) compliance-gaining tactic occurs when a large request, expected to be rejected, is followed by a more reasonable request that is granted. The mechanisms underlying the DITF strategy remain unclear. Researchers have posed different explanations for the effectiveness of DITF, including the reciprocal concessions and the social responsibility models. These theoretical rationales for DITF were tested in a 3 (request type: initial request only, DITF sequence, small request only) )2 (initial request size: moderate, large))2 (solicitor familiarity: friend, stranger) betweenparticipants experiment. Findings from the compliance data are mostly consistent with the reciprocal concessions model; but, findings from the cognitive and affective data were mixed. It appears that DITF messages are perceived as a helping situation for friends, but not for strangers. Strangers view request messages of all sizes to be a negotiation, but friends see these requests as a negotiation only when the initial request is large.Keywords: Compliance; Sequential Request Strategies; Door-in-the-face; Reciprocal Concessions; Guilt Persuasion scholars have long believed that an effective compliance-gaining tactic is to begin by making a large request, with the expectation that it will be rejected, and follow its refusal with a smaller request (Cialdini et al., 1975). This approach, the Door-in-the-Face (DITF) sequential request strategy, has received considerable