A uni ed hypersonic -supersonic lifting surface method has been developed, where the concept of piston theory is generalized and suitably integrated with the aerodynamic in uence coef cient (AIC) matrix due to linear theory. Thus, this uni ed method can account for the effects of wing thickness and/or ow incidence, upstream in uence, and three dimensionality for an arbitrary lifting surface system in an unsteady ow, whereas piston theory fails to account for the latter effects. In particular, the present composite series renders the AIC matrix uniformly valid for all supersonic -hypersonic Mach numbers, thus extending the method applicability to cover both the Ackeret limit at the low supersonic end and the Newtonian limit at the hypersonic end. From various cases studied it is concluded that the present method makes a substantial improvement over the linear lifting surface theory and piston theory in terms of unsteady pressures, stability derivatives, and utter speeds. Among other theories it also predicts the most conservative utter boundary and it con rms that the supersonic thickness effect is to reduce the utter speed.