Now-a-days System-on-a-chip (SoC) technology is used in small, increasingly complex consumer electronic devices. A system-on-a-chip (SoC) is a microchip with all the necessary electronic circuits and parts for a given system, such as a Smartphone or wearable computer, on a single integrated circuit (IC). Day by day the scope & use of the electronics concepts in industrial field is increasing step by step. In this paper the review of newly developed concepts is done for the SoC design for real time industria This paper also reviews a power and area efficient for industrial application. Further the study of SoC designs for real time industrial application has been carried out. Keyword: SoC (System on chip), IC(integrated circuit) I. INTRODUCTION Modern industrial control systems need to comply to different requirements to make a high and fast market impact. From the designer's point of view, all requirements can be summarized into two key factors: improve quality (in terms of performance, resour usage, power dissipation, etc.) and reduce time market. Modern industries systems need to respond to various requirements to compete on their products which must be fast, high performing, reliable and very flexible. Another key issue is the cost, in minimize it, time-to market must be shortened and the price of controller device should be cheap. The cost reduction, increasing the complexity of the control algorithms and reduce the time execution are the most challenging aspects for a new industrial control system @ IJTSRD |