In many real-world problems, a complex task is typically composed of a set of subtasks that follow a certain execution order. Traditional multi-agent reinforcement learning methods perform poorly in such multi-task cases, as they consider the whole problem as one task. For such multi-agent multi-task problems, heterogeneous relationships i.e., subtasksubtask, agent-agent, and subtask-agent, are important characters which should be explored to facilitate the learning performance. This paper proposes a dynamic heterogeneous graph based agent allocation-action learning framework. Specifically, a dynamic heterogeneous graph model is firstly designed to characterize the variation of heterogeneous relationships with the time going on. Then a multi-subgraph partition method is invented to extract features of heterogeneous graphs. Leveraging the extracted features, a hierarchical framework is designed to learn the dynamic allocation of agents among subtasks, as well as cooperative behaviors. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework outperforms recent representative methods on two challenging tasks, i.e., SAVETHECITY and Google Research Football full game.