Many adults cannot voluntarily recall memories before the ages of 3-5, a phenomenon referred to as "infantile amnesia". The development of the hippocampal network likely plays a significant part in the emergence of the ability to form long-lasting memories. In adults, the hippocampus has specialized and privileged connections with certain cortical networks, which presumably facilitate its involvement in memory encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. Is the hippocampus already specialized in these cortical connections at birth? And are the topographical principles of connectivity (e.g. long-axis specialization) present at birth? We analyzed resting-state hippocampal connectivity in neonates scanned within one week of birth (Developmental Human Connectome Project) and compared them to adults (Human Connectome Project). We explored the connections of the whole hippocampus and its long-axis specialization to seven canonical cortical networks. We found that the neonatal hippocampal networks show clear immaturity at birth: adults showed hippocampal connectivity that was unique for each cortical network, whereas neonates showed no differentiation in hippocampal connectivity across these networks. Further, neonates lacked long-axis specialization (i.e., along anterior-posterior axis) of the hippocampus in its differential connectivity patterns to the cortical networks. This immaturity in connectivity may contribute to immaturity in memory formation in the first years of life.
Significance Statement:While animal data, and anatomical and behavioral human data from young children suggest that the hippocampus is immature at birth, to date, there are no direct assessments of human hippocampal functional connectivity (FC) very early in life. Our study explores the FC of the hippocampus to the cortex at birth, allowing insight into the development of human memory systems.Recently, Wael and colleagues (2018) showed the hippocampus has a clear intrinsic pattern of functional connectivity (FC) to a set of cortical networks in adults. Further, this connectivity pattern differed between the anterior and posterior portions of the hippocampus. This so-called long-axis specialization of the hippocampus is consistent with previous research showing that the anterior and posterior hippocampus display different patterns of structural and functional connectivity and may be uniquely activated in response to cognitive, memory and spatial demands (for reviews see Poppenk et al., 2013, Strange et al., 2014. The development of the hippocampal