We demonstrate a continuously loaded 88 Sr magneto-optical trap (MOT) with a steady-state phase-space density of 1.3(2) × 10 −3 . This is two orders of magnitude higher than reported in previous steady-state MOTs. Our approach is to flow atoms through a series of spatially separated laser cooling stages before capturing them in a MOT operated on the 7.4-kHz linewidth Sr intercombination line using a hybrid slower+MOT configuration. We also demonstrate producing a Bose-Einstein condensate at the MOT location, despite the presence of laser cooling light on resonance with the 30-MHz linewidth transition used to initially slow atoms in a separate chamber. Our steady-state high phase-space density MOT is an excellent starting point for a continuous atom laser and dead-time free atom interferometers or clocks.Laser cooled and trapped atoms are at the core of most ultracold quantum gas experiments [1], state-ofthe-art clocks [2] and sensors based on atom interferometry [3]. Today, these devices typically operate in a time-sequential manner, with distinct phases for sample preparation and measurement. For atomic clocks a consequence is the need to bridge the dead time between measurements using a secondary frequency reference, typically a resonator. This introduces a problem known as the Dick effect [4] in which the sampling process inherent to a clock's cyclic operation down converts or aliases high frequency noise from the secondary reference into the signal band, thus degrading performance [5]. Recently, a new generation of atomic clocks using degenerate atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattice has been demonstrated using Sr [6]. To reach the potential of such a clock, it will be necessary to overcome the Dick effect, which can be achieved by reducing the dead time and/or by creating vastly improved secondary references. Our steady-state MOT can lead to significant advances in both directions. It approaches the high flux and low temperature requirements needed for a steadystate clock, which would completely eliminate the Dick effect. Furthermore, our MOT is created under conditions compatible with the creation of degenerate samples or an atom laser [7,8]. This would be the ideal source for a secondary frequency reference based on superradiant lasing, which is expected to outperform current references [9][10][11][12][13]. Our source and a future atom laser based on it might also be valuable for atomic inertial sensors [8]. Improved clocks and inertial sensors will allow tests of fundamental physics [14] or be suitable for gravitational wave astronomy [3,[15][16][17].Over the years many creative approaches have honed laser cooling to produce pulsed samples of ever increasing phase-space density (PSD) [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. Pulsed MOTs using 88 Sr have demonstrated phase-space densities of 10 −2 [30] while atoms held in dipole traps recently reached degeneracy [7,31]. Despite the exquisite performances, these techniques suffer from extremely small capture velocities.As a consequence atoms ...