Distributed systems and applications require large amounts of resources in terms of memory and computing power and are becoming a standard for large businesses and enterprises [12] within and outside the domain of Computer Science. A very important topic for distributed applications is Big Data management and more specifically the generation of large-scale social networks graphs where the number of nodes reaches very large numbers. Analysis of such networks is of importance in many areas, e.g., data mining, network sciences, physics, and social sciences [3]. The need for efficient and scalable methods of network generation is frequently mentioned in the literature [8], particularly for the preferential attachment process [1,13,14]. Barabasi-Albert model, which is based on preferential attachment (PA) [4], is one of the most commonly used models to produce artificial networks, because of its explanatory power, conceptual simplicity, and interesting mathematical properties [13]. Nevertheless the large number of nodes in such graphs may not fit in the memory on one machine. The need for efficient solutions which provide scalability also requires more computational resources as well as implementation considerations. As such, distribution and synchronization are two main challenges. In this chapter, we investigate as a case study a distributed solution for PA-based graph generation which avoids low level synchronization management, thanks to the notion of cooperative scheduling and futures.