spatiotemporal model. ASCEM project scientists have been using this data gateway since 2011. The science gateway described by Kar [13] covers a different field, namely, 'risk communication', which is the exchange of information among stakeholders about an impending disaster and its risks to help individuals take appropriate actions to mitigate hazard impacts. The CIGIR GatewayCyberInfrastructure for GeoInformatics and Community Resilience -is a contributory citizen science project, with the goal of increasing public participation in emergency management, specifically, risk communication and community resilience building efforts of the Mississippi Gulf Coast residents. CIGIR aims at reducing rumors, as an alternative to social media, providing means for citizens to share data and information about a hazard, and participate in building community resilience. The paper describes the gateway's main functions: data collection and storage, data processing and query, data visualization, data and tools download, and user access. It concludes with a reflection about future challenges, for example, translating the gateway from proprietary to open software.