Synchrotron radiation (SR) is increasingly being used for micro-level and nano-level functionalimaging in in vivo animal experiments. This review focuses on the methodology that enables repeated and regional assessment of vessel internal diameter and flow in the resistance vessels of different organ systems. In particular, SR absorption microangiography approaches offer unique opportunities for real-time in vivo vascular imaging in small animals, even during dynamic motion of the heart and lungs. We also describe recent progress in the translation of multiple phase-contrast imaging techniques from ex vivo to in vivo smallanimal studies. Furthermore, we also review the utility of SR for multiple pinpoint (dimensions 0.2×0.2 mm) assessments of myocardial function at the cross-bridge level in different regions of the heart using small-angle X-ray scattering, resulting from increases in SR flux at modern facilities. Finally, we present cases for the use of complementary SR approaches to study cardiovascular function, particularly the pathological changes associated with disease using small-animal models. -times brighter than laboratory or medical X-ray sources). This brightness is attributable to the fine collimation of the X-ray beam (http:// SPring-8 in Japan, which is one of the largest SR facilities in the world, one of the smallest beam sizes is ≈2 mm horizontally by 0.4 mm vertically at 40 m from the X-ray source. This divergence is much smaller than that of most laboratory lasers. The X-ray beam is further collimated with focusing optics, so that it is <0.2 mm in diameter at the sample, concentrating a large number of X-ray photons on the sample. There are tens of SR facilities around the world, most of which are available for public access (for details on SR facilities, SR characteristics, and other science applications, intense X-ray beam from the synchrotron beamlines only can be used in metal-shielded hutches. X-ray image formation and acquisition have to be performed under remote control, including operations to inject contrast medium into an animal or to stop artificial ventilation temporarily. Despite this restriction, when the animal is closely monitored, the experiment can be performed smoothly. At SR medical imaging beamlines important infrastructure for animal experiments such as an animal house, and biology and chemistry preparation laboratories are an essential capability for the experiments described in this review.
SR Absorption MicroangiographyThe vascular smooth muscle tone of arterioles is meticulously modulated via multiple mechanistic pathways, including, but not limited to, the vessel endothelium, the vascular smooth muscle, and neurohumoral stimuli to regulate resistance to flow and, hence, to optimize regional blood flow. Impairment of any of these regulatory systems has the potential to adversely impact on the vascular control of blood flow and, thus, impair the homeostatic control...