676 (1988). Faisant I'hypothkse qu'il se produit une conversion conskcutive des modifications de spin, on a calculk la forme des raies en resonance magnktique nuclkaire du CHD3 a l'ktat solide. On peut utiliser une concentration variable des especes de divers spins nuclkaires pour ajuster la variation, en fonction de la tempkrature, des raies d'absorption en rksonance magnktique nuclkaire qui sont observkes 5 basses temperatures a l'aide d'une largeur de raie de Gauss simple.[Traduit par la revue]
I. IntroductionThe observation of nuclear magnetic interactions has given valuable information on the structure and molecular motion in the solid methanes. Among the many investigations in this field one might mention an early systematic T , measurement (I), information on tunnel splitting (2), structure determination of phase I1 (3), and a high pressure study of phase diagrams (4). A recent nmr study at very low temperatures revealed new aspects of the methane problem. Precise measurements of nmr line shapes in solid deuterated methanes by Buchman et al. (5)(6)(7) show remarkable temperature variation of the line shapes, especially of CHD3. From their results these authors claim that there is no nuclear spin conversion in CHD3 at low temperatures. Although they obtained good results for the nrnr line shape, their analysis gave a poor fit to the heat capacity data (8) in spite of the employment of many adjustable parameters.In the present article we shall give an alternative and better explanation of the nmr data for solid CHD,. Our model of rotational tunneling in solid CHD3 is the same one already found by one of the present authors to give an excellent fit to the experimental data for the heat capacity of all the isotopic methanes (1 1). We shall show that the nrnr data can also be