Quantitative proteomics methods have emerged as powerful tools for measuring protein expression changes at the proteome level. Using mass-spectrometry (MS) based approaches, it is now possible to routinely quantify thousands of proteins. However, pre-fractionation of the samples at the protein or peptide level is usually necessary to go deep into the proteome, increasing both MS analysis time and technical variability. Recently, a new MS acquisition method named SWATH was introduced with the potential to provide good coverage of the proteome as well as a good measurement precision without prior sample fractionation. In contrast to shotgun based MS however, a library containing experimental acquired spectra is necessary for the bioinformatics analysis of SWATH data. In this study, we built spectral libraries for two widely used models to study crop ripening or animal embryogenesis, Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) and Drosophila melanogaster, respectively. The spectral libraries comprise fragments for 5,197 and 6,040 proteins for Solanum lycopersicum and Drosophila melanogaster, respectively, and allow reproducible quantification for thousands of peptides per MS analysis. The spectral libraries and all massspectrometry data are available in the MassIVE repository with the dataset identifiers MSV000081074 and MSV000081075 and the PRIDE repository with the dataset identifiers PXD006493 and PXD006495. For DIA, the spectral library contains experimental acquired spectra of the precursors and can be produced directly from the SWATH data, by reconstituting the MSMS spectra using the retention time of the precursors and the fragments [7], or by DDA analysis of the sample, which can be fractionated to increase the number of spectra in the library [9]. Ideally, the spectral library should be generated on a MS instrument similar to the one used to acquire further SWATH-MS data as the correlation of the fragment intensities for a peptide acquired on different instrument was shown to be rather low [10]. Although Rosenberger et al. recently published a library containing assays for 10,000 human proteins [9] and deep libraries for other applications such as SRM (Selected Reaction Monitoring) have been generated [11][12][13], the number of publicly available spectral libraries for SWATH-MS is still limited. Several other studies have produced libraries for other species [14][15][16]. However, spectral libraries are still missing for many species and, when available, the size of the libraries are limited and a deeper coverage of the proteome would increase the number of potential identifications in SWATH-MS analysis. In the present study, we produced spectral libraries for two well established models to study fruit ripening or animal embryogenesis, respectively Solanum lycopersicum L. and Drosophila melanogaster, for which no or low depth spectral libraries for SWATH-MS on TripleTOF instruments have been produced so far [17,18]. These libraries contain assays for more than 5,000 proteins for both species and are best suited...