The surface structure and thermal chemistry of acetylene. on the Rh(lll) crystal surface have been studied from 30 to BOO K using high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS), low energy electron diffraction (LEEO), and thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). Adsorbed acetylene on the Rh(lll) is disordered at 30 K, but orders into a (2 x 2) LEED structure at 60 K; this is the lowest ordering temperature that has been reported for chemisorbed acetylene on a metal surface. HREEL spectra of c 2 H 2 and c 2 D 2 ordered in the (2 x 2) structure at 77 K on Rh(lll) indicate that the 2 3carbon-carbon bond of chemisorbed acetylene rehybridizes between sp and sp At 270 K, chemisorbed molecular acetylene decomposes predominantly to CCH 2 species. Above 400 K, further decomposition to a mixture of CCH and CH species h observed. When CO and molecular acetylene are coadsorbed at 220 K, we observe a c(4 x 2) LEED structure rather than the (2 x 2) LEED structures observed for acetylene or CO adsorbed alone on Rh(lll). Also, chemisorbed acetylene, when coadsorbed with CO, decomposes at 270 K to a mixture of CCH 3 (ethylidyne) and CCH {acetylide) species rather than the CCH 2 species. 1. INTRODUCTION Studies of the bonding and reactivity of unsaturated hydrocarbon molecules adsorbed on transition metal single crystal surfaces are important for a molecular-level understanding of heterogeneous hydrocarbon catalysis. With the development over the last 20 years of ultra-high vacuum {UHV) technology and of surface sensitive spectroscopies, a data base of adsorption geometries and fragmentation pathways for prototype hydrocarbons adsorbed on well-defined -2 -single crystal metal surfaces is now accumulating.High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS) [1], in providing surface vibrational spectra, has been a particularly powerful technique for determining the identity of hydrocarbon adsorbates. In combination with other techniques like low energy electron diffraction (LEED) [2], it has also been possible to determine the adsorption geometry, the bond lengths and the bond angles for several hydrocarbon adsorbates.[3] These structural results have been well-complemented by the desorption products and kinetics measured in thenmal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) studies.These techniques have been extensively applied to study the adsorption of acetylene, the prototype alkyne. To date, HREELS has been used to study the bonding and reactivity of acetylene adsorbed on Ni(111) [4][5][6][7], Ni(100) [B,9], Ni(110) [10,11], Pd(111) [12,13], Pd(100) [14], Pd(110) [10], Pt(lll) [15,16], Cu(111) [10], Cu(110) [17], Ag(110) [1B], Fe(110) [19], Fe(111) [20], Ru(0001) [21], Re(0001) [22], Rh(111) [23], W(110) [24], W(111) [25], W(lOO) [26], and Si(lll) [27] surfaces. One of the major observations of these studies (except for the Ag(1l0) surface) was a large shift of the carbon-carbon stretchingfrequency from its value of 1974 em in gas phase acetylene to 1100-1400 em for chemisorbed molecular acetylene. Such a frequency sh...