To attain a comprehensive membrane proteome of two strains of Corynebacterium glutamicum (L-lysine-producing and the characterized model strains), both sample pretreatment and analysis methods were optimized. Isolated bacterial membranes were digested with trypsin/ cyanogen bromide or trypsin/chymotrypsin, and a complementary protein set was identified using the multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT). Besides a distinct number of cytosolic or membraneassociated proteins, the combined data analysis from both digests yielded 326 integral membrane proteins (ϳ50% of all predicted) covering membrane proteins both with small and large numbers of transmembrane helices. Also membrane proteins with a high GRAVY score (Kyte, J., and Doolittle, R. About 20 -30% of all genes in an organism code for integral membrane proteins. Integral membrane proteins are involved in central cellular processes and form the major protein class for drug targets. According to their structure they can be classified either as ␣-helical or as -barrel proteins. Although the latter can be studied easily by proteomic techniques, ␣-helical membrane proteins still remain an analytical challenge. Due to their location in the lipid bilayer, membrane proteins are amphipathic, and the targets for tryptic cleavage, lysine and arginine, are mainly absent in transmembrane (TM) 1 helices and only found in the hydrophilic part of the protein. The size of exposed hydrophilic domains varies among integral membrane proteins from large (e.g. epidermal growth factor receptor) to small (e.g. rhodopsin). Because most integral membrane proteins are of low abundance and show a high GRAVY score (1), all proteomic protocols usually involve prefractionation steps for enrichment of the membrane fraction. Examples include organelle separation by freeflow electrophoresis (2) and removal of membrane-associated proteins by chaotropes (3) or alkaline pH washes (4). In the next step, membranes are either treated directly with protease or solubilized with detergents, and the intact proteins are further separated before digestion. However, even after enrichment, a high percentage of the identified proteins are usually not membrane proteins regardless of the applied proteomic approach. In addition, only a small fraction (usually less than 30%) of all predicted membrane proteins are detected. In conclusion, despite their high importance and consequentially a considerable effort in method development (5), current approaches aiming at obtaining a comprehensive coverage of the membrane proteome are far from satisfactory. The 2DE technique is unsuitable for the separation of integral membrane proteins mainly due to protein aggregation during the IEF step. For this reason only membrane proteins with a low GRAVY score and only one to two TM helices are detected. In comparison, the combination of SDS-PAGE and LC-ESI MS/MS has been applied with more success, but problems like protein insolubility and the loss of hydrophobic peptides, which prevent protein identificati...