Piezoelectric energy harvester is the device which uses the external force acting on the piezoelectric elements to generate energy. Usually, this technology is used to convert the ambient waste energy into the usable electrical energy. The mechanism of piezoelectric energy harvester is based on the direct piezoelectric effect. When the harvester is subjected to the stresses, charges will be generated on the materials surface proportionally. When connected to external circuit, the charges will lead to current flow through the load. Therefore, the piezoelectric material in this operation is essentially a voltage, current, charge, or power source. Sometimes, the piezoelectric energy harvester is also called energy scavenger or power generator. Conventionally, the direct piezoelectric effect is applied in piezoelectric sensors, for example, force, pressure and acceleration sensors. In recent decades, the application of direct piezoelectric effect on energy harvester has drawn increasing attention due to a few reasons: first, this is the response of energy crisis. There are increasing concerns on the energy depletion and the need for carbon emission reduction. Therefore, interests on replacement energy over the existing fossil fuel energies arise. Second, environment issue calls for clean, green, sustainable and reusable energy. The present era of industrialization is most advanced than ever in the history, however, the release of waste also brings significant environmental problems. Last but not least, in recent decades, the development of smart devices is rapid and adoption is widespread. Many of them requires low power or powerless for applications such as medical, mobile, or remote devices, where the change of battery is not convenient, high labor cost, inaccessible, or with great hassles.So far there are different kinds of ways for energy harvesting, for example, wind power, hydraulic power, solar power and thermal power etc. Piezoelectric energy harvester is materials based power generator. It features low profiles, micro to meso scale, flexible in structures designs, long life span, and thus is a good candidate for small devices applications. The power level of an energy harvester usually falls in the order of nW, μW, mW, or W. [1] In the process or energy harvesting, the mechanical energy is converted into the electric energy. The energy output of the device is related to a number of parameters. Figure 1a is the equivalent circuit model of the piezoelectric energy harvester,