Bats-toi, signe et persiste" -France Gall
A. We define and study several new interleaving distances for persistent cohomology which take into account the algebraic structures of the cohomology of a space, for instance the cup product or the action of the Steenrod algebra. In particular, we prove that there exists a persistent A ∞ -structure associated to data sets and and we define the associated distance. We prove the stability of these new distances for Čech or Vietoris Rips complexes with respect to the Gromov-Hausdor distance, and we compare these new distances with each other and the classical one, building some examples which prove that they are not equal in general and refine e ectively the classical bottleneck distance.
IPersistent homology arised as a successful attempt to make invariants of algebraic topology computable in practice in various contexts. A prominent example being to study data sets and their topology, which have become increasingly important in many area of sciences. In particular, to be able to discriminate and compare large data sets, it is natural to associate invariants to each of them in order to be able to say if they are similar and describe similar phenomenon or not. The latter operation is obtained by considering a metric on the invariants associated to the data which, classically, is the interleaving or bottleneck distance on the persistent homology of the data. The interested reader may consult [Oud15a, EH08] for an extended discussion of the theory and of its many applications. Our goal is to study and compare several refinements of those distances obtained by considering more structure, inspired by homotopical algebra, on the persistent cohomology which discriminate more data sets.Topological data analysis. Associating algebraic invariants to shapes is a main apparatus of algebraic topology.Topological data analysis (TDA for short) associates and studies the topology of data sets through the help of algebraic topology invariants characterizing as finely as possible the data. Roughly, a main idea of TDA is to associate to, a potentially large, set X of N points a family of spaces X ε given by the union of balls centered on each point with radius given by the parameter ε. Now we can consider the invariants of each space but, even better, we can study the set {X ε } as a continuous family of spaces, called a persistent space, and considering the evolution of these invariants when ε grows. The more accessible topological invariant is the homology of these spaces also known as persistent homology.Persistent homology. The homology of a persistent space gives us a parametrized family of graded vector space. To such object, one associates a barcode, which represents the evolution of the dimension of each homology group when the parameter varies. For instance, a i th -homology class can be born at the time ε 1 in the i-th group and dies at time ε 2 . This class is associated to a bar of length ε 2 − ε 1 and the collection of those is the barcode of the persistent homology groups. This...