paper, an, optimal m,otion, plari,n,in,g schem,e der-actuated plan,ar gid body i s presented.A h,igh,er-order m,eth,od developed b y th,e a to con.struct th,e t7'ajectories of this system.. In this m.ethod, th,e explicit expressions for th,e states and inpu,ts in, term,s of higher derivatives of a su.bset of states i s used to ch,ange a constrainled dynamic optimization problem in,to an, mcon,, in,ed one, thereby, eliminatin,g th,e nleed for Lagranqe ~multipliers. Th,e method is applied to a two i.n,pu,t plan,ar free-floating robot with th,ree degrees-of-freedom, and th,e numerical results are repoyted.