This is the first part of a two-part paper describing the operating characteristics of the electric arc-driven shock-tube facility at NASA Ames Research Center. In this part, the operating envelope of the facility and the technology of the arc driver are presented. Specifically, the question as to how well the behavior of the arc driver is understood and controlled is addressed. A plasma kinetics model of the exploding wire is developed to describe the arc behavior in the driver. Using this model, the performance parameters for the arc driver, and thereby the performance of the facility, can be predicted approximately.
NomenclatureA d = cross-sectional area of driver, m 2 A w = characteristic constant of the metal a = speed of sound C = capacitor bank capacitance, F C e = mean thermal velocity of electrons, \/8kT e /Trm e C v -specific heat of trigger wire D = diameter of the driver D a = diameter of the arc column E = electric field intensity, V/m EI -ionization potential e = electronic charge Gr = Grashoff number, p 2 g^TD 3 /(^T) g = Earth gravitational acceleration / = total current, A I a = arc current, A /w = current in trigger wire, A j e = electric current density in gas phase, A/m 2 j t -electric current density due to thermionic emission, A/m 2 Kf = forward (dissociation or ionization) rate coefficient, cm 3 mole" 1 s" 1 K r = recombination rate coefficient, cm 6 mole" 2 s" 1 k = Boltzmann constant L a = arc inductance, H L x = external inductance, H m e = electron mass m w -mass of trigger wire Nu = Nusselt number n a = number density of neutral atoms, m~3 n e = electron number density, m~3 P = gas pressure Pr = Prandtl number q = heat transfer rate, J/m s R a = arc resistance, 12 R w = resistance of trigger wire, Q R x = external resistance, Q Presented as Paper 88-0142 at T = gas temperature, K T e = electron temperature, K T w = trigger wire temperature, K V a = arc volume, m 3 V d = driver volume, m 3 a = degree of ionization or dissociation e = internal energy of the gas per unit mass e vv = internal energy of the trigger wire per unit mass 7 = specific heat ratio Xw = work function of trigger wire K = thermal conductivity f j L = viscosity v es = collision frequency of electrons for collisions with species "5", s" 1 p = gas density, kg/m 3 a = plasma conductivity, mho/m Subscripts a = arc e = electron s = shock layer t = thermionic emission w = driver trigger wire x = external 1 = initial driven-tube condition 2 = behind the primary shock 4 = initial driver condition 5 = reflected shock oo = test section