An Eml31oyee-Owned Company DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOC'JMEN[ iS LJNLiMITED, REPORTS Although FASAC examines world applied science, emphasis is placed on research in the Soviet Union. The Center reports on what the Soviets call exploratory research (akin to Department of Defense 6.1 and 6.2 research), which seeks to translate developments in fundamental research into new technology. Further, as the globalization of advanced technology proceeds, more FASAC assessments are of foreign (non-Soviet) research efforts. The Center generally does not report on technology already being incorporated in engineering applications. Inaddition to an assessment of the quality and emphasis of foreign research, a Center report provides milestones for monitoring subsequent progress, lt also provides elements of a net technical assessment of the balance with US science, without being an out-and-out comparison. ORGANIZATION The permanent Center staff includes the Center's Director, two Senior Scientists, a Senior Editor, a Technical InformationSpecialist, and an Assistant Editor. FASAC panels consist of expert consultants from academia, industry,and government,typicallysixto eight members per panel. Each panel assesses the status and potential impacts of foreign applied science in a selected area. Panel members are selected by the followingcriteria: leading authority in the field; recent "hands-on" experience; knowledgeof foreign research; and knowledge of the directionof US research programs. The panels review broadareasof applied scienceandthen focuson particularactivitiesof interestto their assessment. At intervals, panelsare convenedto reassesspastFASAC topicsinvolvingareas of rapidlyadvancingscienceandtechnology of particularimportance. The Directorand SeniorScientistshelp select the topicsto be assessed, select the Panel Chairmen, and guide and assist in the preparationof panel reports. The Technical Information Specialist assists each panel with searchesfor/provisionsof relevantand availableforeigntechnicalliterature.In-depth expert reviewof literature bypanel membersprovidesa basisfor judgingthe qualityof foreign science researchactivities. The preparation of assessment reports by the panels of experts is assisted to academic-quality completion by the Senior and Assistant Editor.