Studies of the aqueous phase chemistry of hahnium (element 105) were performed on 34-s 262Ha produced by the 249Bk(18o,5n) reaction. The reaction products were subjected to various rapid aqueous phase chemical separation procedures. 262Ha was identified by measuring the energy and time .distribution of the alpha particles and fission fragments emitted in its decay.Time-correlated pairs of alpha particles from the decay of 262Ha and its 4.3-s daughter, 258Lr, were also measured. Hahnium was found to adhere to glass surfaces upon fuming with concentrated nitric acid, a property very characteristic of the group 5 elements, niobium and tantalum.In other experiments, the *visiting Miller Research Professor, Berkeley, spring 1987 1 extraction behavior of hahnium from mixed nitric acid I hydrofluoric acid solutions into methyl isobutyl ketone was found to be different from that of tantalum.