This study examined the decline of print newspaper subject to new media and its attributes as outlined in the Push Theory of Media Effects in order to inform the debate surrounding the existence of print newspaper. Much has been said about the place of the print newspaper as it faces competition from new media. Pundits, scholars and researchers see this competition as having consequences on print circulation, advertising and jobs. The qualitative research approach was used. This study reviewed literature as secondary sources, and through unstructured interview schedule, insights were sought from two editors from two leading print newspaper firms in Kenya and an accountant from one of the newspaper firms. Additionally, ten journalists from different print newspaper firms, eight newspaper vendors and ten newspaper readers were also interviewed. Purposive sampling was adopted for selecting the respondents. Findings were triangulated and analysed. The study found that indeed print media in Kenya is facing a decline in terms of circulation and advertising revenue, and this can be attributed to competition from new media. Media attributes as provided by the Push Theory of Media Effects that afford new media several advantages over print are accessibility, fidelity, volume, velocity, range, persistence and searchability. Other attributes are interactivity and multimediality. However, print media is and will still be in existence in Kenya because of its survival strategies and credibility.