Abstract-Recent advances in molecular sequencing technology have given rise to novel algorithms for simultaneously aligning short sequence reads to reference sequence alignments and corresponding evolutionary reference trees. We present a complete hardware/software implementation for the acceleration of a program called PaPaRa, a newly introduced dynamic programming algorithm for this purpose.We verify the correctness of the proposed architecture on a real FPGA and introduce a straight-forward communication protocol (using gigabit ethernet) for seamless integration with the encapsulating steering software that is executed on a PC processor. The hardware description and the software implementation are freely available for download.When mapped to a Virtex 6 FPGA, our reconfigurable architecture can compute 133.4 billion cell updates per second for the novel, tree-based alignment kernel of PaPaRa. Compared to PaPaRa, running on a 3.2GHz Intel Core i5 CPU, we obtain speedups for the alignment kernel, that range between 170 and 471. For the entire application, that is, the alignment kernel and the trace-back step, we obtain speedups between 74 and 118.