Platooning is a promising cooperative driving application for future intelligent transportation systems. In order to assign vehicles to platoons, some algorithm for platoon formation is required. Such vehicle-to-platoon assignments have to be computed on-demand, e.g., when vehicles join or leave the freeways. In order to get best results from platooning, individual properties of involved vehicles have to be considered during the assignment computation. In this paper, we explore the computation of vehicle-to-platoon assignments as an optimization problem based on similarity between vehicles. We define the similarity and, vice versa, the deviation among vehicles based on the desired driving speed of vehicles and their position on the road. We create three approaches to solve this assignment problem: centralized solver, centralized greedy, and distributed greedy, using a Mixed Integer Programming solver and greedy heuristics, respectively. Conceptually, the approaches differ in both knowledge about vehicles as well as methodology. We perform a large-scale simulation study using PlaFoSim to compare all approaches. While the distributed greedy approach seems to have disadvantages due to the limited local knowledge, it performs as good as the centralized solver approach across most metrics. Both outperform the centralized greedy approach, which suffers from synchronization and greedy selection effects. Since the centralized solver approach assumes global knowledge and requires a complex Mixed Integer Programming solver to compute vehicle-to-platoon assignments, we consider the distributed greedy approach to have the best performance among all presented approaches.