A new Hopf operad Ram is introduced, which contains both the well-known Poisson operad and the Bessel operad introduced previously by the author. Besides, a structure of cooperad R is introduced on a collection of algebras given by generators and relations which have some similarity with the Arnold relations for the cohomology of the type A hyperplane arrangement. A map from the operad Ram to the dual operad of R is defined which we conjecture to be a isomorphism.
AMS Classification 18D50; 16W30Keywords Hopf operad, coalgebra, chain complex
IntroductionThe theory of operads has roots in algebraic topology. One well-known way to build algebraic operads is to start from an operad of topological spaces and apply the homology functor. A famous example, due to Cohen [4,5], is given by the little discs operad whose homology is the Gerstenhaber operad. The operads defined in this way inherit more structure from the diagonal of topological spaces: they are in fact Hopf operads. This phenomenon is similar to the existence of a bialgebra structure on the homology of a topological monoid.This article introduces two algebraic objects. The first one is a Hopf operad called the Ramanujan operad and denoted by Ram, which contains both the well-known Poisson operad and the Bessel operad introduced in [2]. The second one is a Hopf cooperad R, which means that the space R(I) associated to a finite set I is an associative algebra and the cocomposition maps are morphisms of algebras.The operad Ram is conjectured to be isomorphic to the linear dual operad R * of the cooperad R. A morphism of operad from Ram to R * is defined, which should give the desired isomorphism.