“…Regarding KC characteristics compared with other monocentric studies and with the Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus (CLEK) studies, the present analysis included the largest number of cases 4,5,9,10,13,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] and with 818 eyes is one of the largest studies reporting corneal biomechanical characteristics from the Corvis ST system. 12,[23][24][25] Keratoconus is generally detected during puberty or early adolescence and progresses maximally until the fourth decade of ANGLE, angle of anterior chamber; ARTMAX, Ambro ´sio relational thickness maximum; Asph, aspherical degree of corneal shape; BADA, deviation from the mean of Ambro ´sio relational thickness; BADB, deviation of back elevation difference map; BADD, Belin/Ambro ´sio enhanced ectasia total deviation value; BADF, deviation of front elevation difference map; BADISTAPEX, distance from apex to the thinnest point; BADP, deviation of average pachymetric PTIression; BADT, deviation of minimum thickness; BADY, deviation from the vertical displacement of the thinnest point from the apex; CCT, pachymetry at the center; CHAMBVOL, anterior chamber volume; CKI, central KC index; CORVOL, corneal volume; CTSP0, corneal thickness at the thinnest point; CTSP10, mean corneal thickness at the 10 mm meridian; CTSP2, mean corneal thickness at the 2 mm meridian; CTSP4, mean corneal thickness at the 4 mm meridian; CTSP6, mean corneal thickness at the 6 mm meridian; CTSP8, mean corneal thickness at the 8 mm meridian; HKC, Homburg Keratoconus Center; IHA, index of height asymmetry; IHD, index of height decentration; IOP, intraocular pressure correction factor; ISV, index of surface variance; IVA, index of vertical asymmetry; K1, flat central keratometry (3 mm); K2, steep central keratometry (3 mm); KI, KC index; Km, mean central keratometry (3 mm); Kmax, maximum keratometry (overall); Kmax_x, location of Kmax at the horizontal axis; Kmax_y, location of the Kmax at the vertical axis; Axis, Axis of the flat meridian; KPD, keratometric power deviation; PTI0, percentage of thickness increase at the thinnest point; PTI10, percentage of thickness increase at the 10 m meridian; PTI2, percentage of thickness increase at the 2 mm meridian; PTI4, percentage of thickness increase at the 4 mm meridian; PTI6, Percentage of thickness increase at the 6 mm meridian; PTI8, percentage of thickness increase at the 8 mm meridian; PTIMAX, maximum progression of corneal thickness; PTIMAX_Axis, axis of maximum progression of corneal thickness; PTIMIN, minimum progression of corneal thickness; PTIMIN_Axis, axis of minimum progression of corneal thickness; Rh, Radius of the horizontal meridian; Rm, mean Radius; Rmin, minimum radius; Rper, mean radius of curvature in the seven-to 9-mm area; Rv, Radius of the vertical meridian; TCT, thinnest pachymetry; TCT_x, location ...…”