The present study is based on the Process Model of Time Management by Macan (1994). The study aimed to examine the mediating role of perceived control of time between time management behaviour and psychological outcomes among university teachers. Data of university teachers (N = 300) was collected through Time Management Behaviour Scale, Perceived Control of Time Scale, Warwick Edinberg Mental Well-being Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, In Role Performance Scale and Role Overload Scale. Regression analysis explained that perceived control of time mediated between time management behaviour and well-being among university teachers. Perceived control of time mediated between time management behaviour and stress among university teachers. Perceived control of time mediated between time management behaviour and job satisfaction among university teachers. Similarly, perceived control of time mediated between time management behaviour and job performance among university teachers. The study has both theoretical as well as applied significance. The findings confirmed the underlying theoretical assumptions of the Process Model of Time Management Overall the findings are valuable in the fields of educational and organizational psychology. Keywords: Time Management Behaviour, Perceived Control of Time, Well-Being, Scale, Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, Role Overload.