Training Center in Jakarta offers a certification program for the individuals and companies who wish to search for or Training Center in Jakarta offers a certification program for the individuals and companies who wish to search for or Training Center in Jakarta offers a certification program for the individuals and companies who wish to search for or Training Center in Jakarta offers a certification program for the individuals and companies who wish to search for or complement international scale IT certifications. The certification program consists complement international scale IT certifications. The certification program consists complement international scale IT certifications. The certification program consists complement international scale IT certifications. The certification program consists of training certification exam preparation and of training certification exam preparation and of training certification exam preparation and of training certification exam preparation and certification exams. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the performance of information technology governan certification exams. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the performance of information technology governan certification exams. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the performance of information technology governan certification exams. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the performance of information technology governance in ce in ce in ce in order to determine the extent of the capabilities of information technology g order to determine the extent of the capabilities of information technology g order to determine the extent of the capabilities of information technology g order to determine the extent of the capabilities of information technology governance in the Training Center which is currently running, overnance in the Training Center which is currently running, overnance in the Training Center which is currently running, overnance in the Training Center which is currently running, with a few aspects to consider such as effectiveness, efficiency, functional unit of information technology within an organiz with a few aspects to consider such as effectiveness, efficiency, functional unit of information technology within an organiz with a few aspects to consider such as effectiveness, efficiency, functional unit of information technology within an organiz with a few aspects to consider such as effectiveness, efficiency, functional unit of information technology within an organization. ation. ation.ation. Implementing IT governance, however, is a challenge to organiza Implementing IT governance, however, is a challenge to organiza Implementing IT governance, however, is a challenge to organiza Implementing IT governance, however, is a challenge to organizations. To ensure IT alignment with business goals use standard COBIT. tions. To ensure IT alignment with business goals use standard COBIT. tions. To ensure IT alignment with business goals use standar...