Information-Centric Networking with caching is a very promising future network architecture. The research on its cache deployment strategy is divided into three categories, namely, noncooperative cache, explicit collaboration cache, and implicit collaboration cache. Noncooperative caching can cause problems such as high content repetition rate in the web cache space. Explicit collaboration caching generally reflects the best caching effect but requires a lot of communication to satisfy the exchange of cache node information and depends on the controller to perform the calculation. On this basis, implicit cooperative caching can reduce the information exchange and calculation between cache nodes while maintaining a good caching effect. Therefore, this paper proposes an on-path implicit cooperative cache deployment method based on the dynamic LRU-K cache replacement strategy. This method evaluates the cache nodes based on their network location and state and selects the node with the best state value on the transmission path for caching. Each request will only select one or two nodes for caching on the request path to reduce the redundancy of the data. Simulation experiments show that the cache deployment method based on the state and location of the cache node can improve the hit rate and reduce the average request length.