A t the centre of a Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm is a dynamic model. Until recently, most industrial applications have used linear dynamic models. These models were preferred to the non-linear ones due to the difficulty in developing generic non-linear models from plant data and also because of the computational expense involved when non-linear models are used in the MPC formulation (Piché et al., 2000). The rapid development in computer capacity in the last few years, however, has led to the development of a great number of predictive control algorithms using non-linear models.One of the main problems with linear controllers is that they are not robust, i.e., they do not present good performance for different operating regions and with changing process conditions (Dutta and Rhinehart, 1999). According to Piché et al. (2000), MPC based on linear models is acceptable when the process operates at a single set point and the primary use of the controller is for the rejection of disturbances. However, many chemical processes do not operate at a single set point, as they are operated in different conditions depending on market requirements. The operation in different set points also occurs when an optimization layer is introduced in the control structure. The main characteristic of a multilayer optimization structure is that the optimization level defines the operational conditions of the process. Thus, the control system has to be designed to maintain the process operating adequately in different operational conditions. In this case, to properly control the process, a non-linear model is needed.Although the use of non-linear models may improve the control algorithm performance, the development of such models is not always an easy task. It is desirable to develop techniques to obtain reliable models in a simple and rapid way. In recent years, there has been a strong interest in the use of neural networks to describe chemical processes, due to their ability to approximate highly non-linear systems. Different structures of neural networks have been used as non-linear models in advanced control algorithms (Zhan and Ishida, 1997;Rohani et al., 1999;Kambhampati et al., 2000;Meleiro et al., 2001). Hussain (1999) presents a review of neural network applications in process control. They conclude that neural networks are capable of describing the system in a great number of cases. Besides, they are versatile, as they can be incorporated in various well-known non-linear control methods. Seborg (1999) provides a perspective on the current status of advanced process control and concludes that many industrial applications of nonlinear predictive control employ neural networks. In this work, the predictive control of a three-phase catalytic reactor is considered. A predictive control algorithm, which has a non-linear internal model represented by functional link networks, is proposed. This network structure has been shown to have a good non-linear approximation capability, with the advantage that the estimation of its we...