For the last two decades, artificial neural networks (ANNs) of the third generation, also known as spiking neural networks (SNN), have remained a subject of interest for researchers. A significant difficulty for the practical application of SNNs is their poor suitability for von Neumann computer architecture, so many researchers are currently focusing on the development of alternative hardware. Nevertheless, today several experimental libraries implementing SNNs for conventional computers are available. In this paper, using the RCNet library, we compare the performance of reservoir computing architectures based on artificial and spiking neural networks. We explicitly show that, despite the higher execution time, SNNs can demonstrate outstanding classification accuracy in the case of complicated datasets, such as data from industrial sensors used for the fault detection of bearings and gears. For one of the test problems, namely, ball bearing diagnosis using an accelerometer, the accuracy of the classification using reservoir SNN almost reached 100%, while the reservoir ANN was able to achieve recognition accuracy up to only 61%. The results of the study clearly demonstrate the superiority and benefits of SNN classificators.