Original scientific paper In software development, release planning is performed to select important features and requirements based on resource and technical constraints and the relationships between requirements. Release planning focuses on finding an optimal solution by seeking various states. This kind of solution finding reveals two remarks. First, it shows that there are various, ambiguous and uncertain parameters that influence the solution. Second, there is not only one solution to any problem. Various solutions can be found that differ in their performance (e.g. time performance, complexity performance, etc.). Consequently, many methods for release planning are often specific to only certain problem domains. This paper examines various current release planning methods to extract the common activities and thoughts in order to establish a customizable framework for release planning. Customization is done by identifying effective parameters, parameter instances and their relationships so that they can affect the selection of the right algorithm or method for each activity. Project characteristics can be specified based on the parameter instances and they are then used to determine the suitable method for achieving each activity within the whole release planning process and the results of which are recorded. This proposed highly customizable process framework with its possible customization features is then validated in several software companies. In 85 % of the cases, the suggested framework for every activity of the process fits the companies' circumstances and helps to hasten the process of release planning.Keywords: customizable process; effective parameters; release planning U cilju velike prilagodljivosti okvira za planiranje puštanja u promet Izvorni znanstveni članak U razvoju softvera, planiranjem puštanja u promet izabiru se važna svojstva i zahtjevi temeljeni na tehničkim ograničenjima i ograničenjima sredstava te odnosima između zahtjeva. Planiranje puštanja u promet usmjereno je na pronalaženje optimalnog rješenja traženjem raznih stanja. Takav način traženja rješenja otkriva dvije stvari. Prvo, pokazuje da postoje različiti nejasni i nesigurni parametri koji utječu na rješenje. Drugo, da ne postoji samo jedno rješenja za neki problem. Mogu postojati različita rješenja koja se razlikuju po svojim karakteristikama (na pr. u odnosu na trajanje, složenost itd.). Stoga su mnoge metode planiranja puštanja u promet često specifične za samo neke aspekte problema. U ovom se radu istražuju razne postojeće metode za planiranje pokretanja u svrhu pronalaženja nekih općih razmišljanja i aktivnosti za uspostavljanje prilagodljivog okvira za planiranje puštanja u promet. Prilagodba se postiže identificiranjem učinkovitih parametara ili primjera parametara i njihovih odnosa tako da se može izabrati pravi algoritam ili metoda za svaku aktivnost. Karakteristike projekta mogu se odrediti na osnovu primjera parametara te se oni tada primjenjuju za određivanje odgovarajuće metode za izvršavanje pojedine aktivnosti...