Abstract-In this paper, two models were proposed for week-ahead forecasting of temperature driven electricity load, which are a time series model and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. Over the week-long ("future") forecasting horizon, predicted temperature from ANN was used as it is shown that ANN produced more accurate temperature prediction. For the time series model, Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with eXogenous variables (SARIMAX) scheme was proposed. A method called "pre-whitening" was used to determine the lagged effect of temperature on electricity load. Comparison between ANN model and SARIMAX model was conducted to see which one gave a better forecasting performance. The forecast performance was characterized by two statistical estimates, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The results showed that while the ANN model behaved better in the estimation stage, its performance got worse than SARIMAX model in the forecasting stage.Index Terms-Artificial neural networks (ANN), load forecasting, SARIMAX, short-term, temperature forecasting, time series.
I. INTRODUCTIONAfter the deregulation of electricity markets, electricity was commoditized. As a result, the generation of electricity more flexible and demand oriented. However, there are also risks associated the deregulation of electricity markets such as electricity oversupply and shortage due to inaccurate forecasting, which could result in significant financial loss. That is why accurate electricity forecasting plays a very important role and could also improve power generation planning. In this study two kinds of models, SARIMAX and ANN, were proposed for short-term forecasting of temperature driven electricity load forecasting.Different approaches have been proposed for the short-term forecasting of electricity load. Generally speaking, these approaches can be grouped into three categories: regression-based, time series, artificial intelligence and computational intelligence. The latter can divided into several sub-groups, such as neural networks, support vector machines, hybrid and other approaches. In the following section, mainly neural networks and time series approaches will be studied from the literature.Ghanbari et al. et al. [9] and Martí nez-Álvarez [10] all proposed an approach based on selection of similar days according to which the load curves are forecasted by using the information of the days being similar to that of the forecast day.Choi et al. [11] and Kutluk et al. [12] both proposed the classic SARIMA method for load forecasting while James Taylor extended double seasonal ARMA model which includes intraday and intraweek seasonal cycles to include intrayear seasonal cycle, which is also apparent if one disposes of a multi-year training dataset. Weather features were also used to construct a classic ARMA/SARIMA model, which can be found in Jennifer et al. 's work. [5] G. Peter [13] proposed a hybrid methodology that combines both ARIMA and ANN models to take advantage ...