The purpose of this thesis is to develop a MCDM system based on a deletion and selective translation reality (ELECTRE) Assessment information is expressed and manipulated by the Tempster-Schaefer Theory (DST). DST is the primary means for uncertainty modeling. In this paper, the weight of the criteria and the effectiveness of each alternative are expressed in terms of linguistic terms and belief levels, which are then converted into basic probability assignment (BPA) representations. In order to integrate the evaluations of different experts in the most rational and efficient manner, a discount system in DST is provided Based on the proposed concept of source reliability. In addition, as a family of MCDM models, the ELECTRE system is known for its superior relationships in ordering a set of alternatives. As an extension, artificial weight, including subjective and objective weights, is used to determine concepts of synchronization and variance. The proposed DS-ELECTRE approach directly reflects the advantage of DST and deals with uncertainty, but the ELECTRE method can also play a role in analyzing the relationships between alternatives. An illustrative number example is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the DS-ELECTRE method. The final result matrix can be obtained based on the fusion results, which will then be used in ELECTRE mode. At this point, the transcendental relationships between all pair alternatives are structured in ELECTRE mode using concepts of synchronization and contrast, which are Represented by some corresponding matrix. A result chart will be drawn based on the resulting global matrix, and the ranking results will be analyzed to determine the appropriate provider. In short, a new ELECTRE-based system has been developed to address MCDM issues in DST contexts, which can be considered by decision makers. non-formal evaluation and apply incomplete or insufficient knowledge of data. Therefore, in this study, a comprehensive Weight including subjective weight and objective weight is defined in the process of ELECTRE method to make the synchronization and contrast metrics more reasonable. Subjective weight is obtained only on the basis of decision makers 'preferences or judgments, and objective weight is determined using the entropy weight method.