Protein molecules naturally emit streams of information-rich signals in the language of hydrogen exchange concerning the intimate details of their stability, dynamics, function, changes therein, and effects thereon, all resolved to the level of their individual amino acids. The effort to measure protein hydrogen exchange behavior, understand the underlying chemistry and structural physics of hydrogen exchange processes, and use this information to learn about protein properties and function has continued for 50 years. Recent work uses mass spectrometric analysis together with an earlier proteolytic fragmentation method to extend the hydrogen exchange capability to large biologically interesting proteins. This article briefly reviews the advances that have led us to this point and the understanding that has so far been achieved. These hydrogens are distributed uniformly at every amino acid, except proline, in every protein molecule. They are just the hydrogens that get involved in the H-bonds that help to stabilize protein secondary and tertiary structure. Although they are covalently bound to the amide nitrogen and are often well-protected by their H-bonding interactions, they engage in continual exchange with the hydrogens of solvent water. In any given protein, HX rates are commonly spread over a very large dynamic range, many orders of magnitude wide. These rates encode detailed site-resolved information on protein structure, physical properties, and biochemical function. We need but to measure the signals and understand them in terms of the underlying chemistry and structural physics of protein HX processes.The study of protein hydrogen exchange has a long history, dating back to the pioneering work of Kai U. Linderstrøm-Lang and his coworkers at the Carlsberg Laboratories in Copenhagen in the 1950s. In the excitement following Pauling's discovery of the ␣-helix and -sheet, Linderstrøm-Lang realized that he might look for H-bonded structures by measuring protein hydrogen exchange. In typical style, Lang and his colleagues designed entirely new methods, built their own equipment, and pursued a series of ground-breaking HX studies on a variety of proteins and polypeptides [1]. In the early Carlsberg version of HX measurement, one dissolved the experimental protein in D 2 O, took samples as a function of H-D exchange time, transferred the protein-bound deuterium into pure H 2 O solvent, and quantified the deuterium by a sensitive mass technique that was able to measure the density of tiny water droplets to about one part in a million using the density gradient column pictured on the journal cover.As it turns out, a good fraction of the Carlsberg data were in some way incorrect due to an artifact that has never been fully explained. Nevertheless, in a magical display of scientific insight, Lang inferred the basic dynamic mechanisms that underlie protein hydrogen exchange processes and wrote the equations that govern measurable HX, which we still use today. This was 10 years before the first protein structures w...