Mobile proton-containing solutes can be detected by MRI by the chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) method. CEST sensitivity is dramatically enhanced by using, as exchanging protons,t he water molecules confined inside liposomes,s hifted by ap aramagnetic shift reagent. The chemical shift of the intraliposomal water resonance (d IL )i s affected by the overall shape of the supramolecular system. d IL of as pherical LipoCEST acts as as ensitive reporter of the distribution of streptavidin proteins anchored at the liposome surface by biotinylated phospholipids.T his finding prompted the design of aM MP-2 responsive LipoCEST agent as the streptavidin moieties can be released from the liposome surfaces when ap roperly tailored enzyme-cleavable peptide is inserted on the phospholipids before the terminal biotin residues. d IL reports on the overall changes in the supramolecular architecture associated to the cleavage carried out by MMP-2.
Nuclearmagneticresonance(NMR)spectroscopyisusuallyconsidered unsuitable for analytical chemistry applications,as the detection threshold is in the range of 10 À4 -10 À5 m.O ne possibility to increase the 1 H-NMR sensitivity relies on the assessment of solute effects on the solvent molecule signal. This approach has been extensively exploited when the solute is ap aramagnetic species and the solvent is represented by water molecules. [1] In fact, the observed water proton relaxation enhancement (longitudinal and transversal relaxivities) may in turn be related to the concentration of the species inducing the paramagnetic perturbation. [2] Another route to pursue solute signal amplification relies on the exploitation of saturation transfer (ST) effects to the water protons resonance once mobile protons on the solute molecules are irradiated with ar adiofrequencyc entered at the NMR absorption frequencyo ft he exchanging proton pool. [3] We have previously shown that the sensitivity of the chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) method can be further increased by using the ensemble of water molecules present in the inner cavity of al iposome as an exchangeable proton pool.The 1 HNMR intraliposomal water proton resonance is properly shifted by the interaction with as hift reagent (SR) entrapped in this compartment during LipoCEST liposome preparation; [4] from millions to billion water molecules are usually entrapped inside liposomes,depending on the size of the particles,t hus yielding ad etection threshold per particle in the pm range. [4] Thec hemical shift of the intraliposomal water resonance (d IL )i sd etermined by the sum of two contributions [Equation (1)]:where Hyp and BMS refer to hyperfine and bulk magnetic susceptibility contributions,respectively. [4a,c] It has been shown that the generation of osmotically shrunken LipoCESTs make it possible to increase the attainable shift for the inner water resonance (d IL )u pt o AE 20/25 ppm. [4a,c, 5] Thes hift enhancement relies on the orientation of non-spherical systems when placed inside am agnetic field (B 0 ). Th...