Computer Environments for Human Learning (CEHL) offers several pedagogical activities to the learners such as: learning, self-assessment, communication with other learners and the problem solving, etc. this latters can benefit from these services at any time and from any place. But, the learner's isolation and the lack of a support service have a negative impact on his learning, his achievements, and especially on his motivation during his educational activities. So, to cop this, tutoring is required in CEHL. It can be defined as a social relationship between an expert person called tutor and a person in difficulty, the learner. Since, tutoring is often the ideal solution for learners; this is why several research works were introduced in recent years. However, Most of them have found several difficulties concerning the tutor's work. This paper presents a novel arch to model learners in a collaborative human learning environment. The aim is to propose a method for the Modeling of learner-tutor. Moreover, we based on the learner's response to a questionnaire in order to create his or her own profile. This space offers all the tools and mechanisms to support and promote collaboration between learnertutors in this way the problems of learners is solved.